Here's Everything I'll Receive:
FOUNDING MEMBER BENEFIT #1: The Shadow Wealth Portfolio. This is packed with high-power investments that can go immediately into your regular brokerage account, whether online or offline.
We provide explicit instructions not only to help you shield your wealth from this rapidly evolving crisis, but also to turn the crisis into a series of potentially great wealth-building opportunities.
Chairman Nilus Mattive will give members that portfolio guidance. Like he has done already for 20 years.
FOUNDING MEMBER BENEFIT #2: Off-Wall Street Strategies. Get away from banks, Wall Street and Fed Control. Gain access to assets that you could never get at any bank or Wall Street broker.
This includes asset categories that have gone up 19x, 30x, even 79x more than gold, plus collectibles, land, technology IP, and more … that used to be available exclusively to the super rich but now can be bought in units of $1,000 or less.
FOUNDING MEMBER BENEFIT #3: First-Mover Advantage. This is a Shadow Wealth privilege that, to our knowledge, no one else in the world will get.
Nilus Mattive has arranged for Shadow Wealth Society Members to get first and exclusive access to choice assets BEFORE they’re offered to the general public.
There are strict limits to the number of investors who can participate, and they can fill up fast. So, first and exclusive access, available only to Shadow Wealth Society Members, has the potential to be very valuable.
FOUNDING MEMBER BENEFIT #4: Expert advice on how to truly get off the grid and away from prying eyes. Here are just a few examples …
- How to live tax-free even if you make quite a bit of money.
- The one and only truly invisible country.
- Inflation-proof investments that guarantee lifetime income.
- An online account the U.S. government can’t track or record. (Nothing to do with cryptocurrencies or other digital assets.)
- Our contacts to help you acquire dual citizenships and reap extraordinary tax, privacy and business benefits.
- Plus, many more.
For each of these strategies, Shadow Wealth Society Members get everything they need, including the phone number and email address of our #1 choice of experts in each field.
Depending on each member’s personal situation, just one of these strategies could be worth a not-so-small fortune in savings or extra wealth that they might never have otherwise. Not to mention the compound income that can be earned on that extra wealth.
FOUNDING MEMBER BENEFIT #5: The Shadow Wealth Council. You get direct access to nine hand-picked experts, each top-notch in their field.
You get the benefit of their research and guidance from Nilus Mattive. Plus, if you wish to get hands-on assistance that’s tailored to your individual needs, Ted will give you their contact information or even introduce you to them personally.
As always, neither Ted, Nilus nor I — nor any Weiss Ratings staff member — has accepted, or ever will accept, any form of compensation for such recommendations or referrals. Our selections are based exclusively on our objective evaluation and opinion regarding merits of each expert.
FOUNDING MEMBER BENEFIT #6: Our ultra-secure, ultra-private Shadow Wealth Portal. We have developed a non-searchable, hidden and private place on the web especially for Shadow Wealth Society.
It enjoys maximum protection against intruders and data breaches of all kinds, whether from private hackers, government hackers or so-called white hat hackers.
It’s protected from phishing attacks, ransomware, spoofing, spyware, Trojan horses and other forms of viruses.
We’ve invested heavily in this technology to make sure the information we give you is private and secure.
FOUNDING MEMBER BENEFIT #7: The Shadow Wealth Community. Through our secure portal, Shadow Wealth Society Members will have the opportunity to gather together in a virtual fortress.
Free from Big Tech’s prying eyes. And shielded from the ever-expanding government snooping into — or seeking to control — our privacy, liberty and wealth. If you don’t want to provide your input, that’s OK. It’s not a requirement.
But with the proper precautions, I feel that mutual sharing among fellow members — both unfortunate experiences and great accomplishments — can be very valuable.
So, we want to give you ample opportunity to participate, either with complete anonymity or not. I’m not talking about a chat group that leaves a trail or a Zoom meeting that can be recorded.
Rather, the Shadow Wealth Community meets in a private and secure online conference room. The room uses proprietary video conferencing technology that’s, again, ultra secure and ultra private.
To claim your 75% discount, and SAVE $11,250 …
Call 877-535-4348 (Overseas callers: +1-561-658-1735) Monday through Friday, between 9 AM and 5 PM Eastern Time.