America’s Day of
Reckoning Has Begun
The fat-cat bankers at the U.S. Federal Reserve have just unleashed a chain of devastating events that will change everything in your life.
In this report:
What you must do immediately to protect and preserve your wealth …
What you can do now to grow up to 6 times richer when it all hits the fan …
Dear Investor,
An event that occurred on September 26, 2018 has already begun to change everything in your life.
Mark my words: This is not a prediction. It is historical fact. And it means nothing will ever be the same again for you or for your family. The America we know and love will be no more.
The fallout of this historic event will be horrific for the unprepared.
It will trigger all-out panic — first in the U.S. bond market ... and later in the stock market.
It will destroy the housing market ... sentence most Americans to a “dark age” of depression and poverty ... send gold and silver prices careening higher ... and push the U.S. government to the brink of collapse.
The carnage could ultimately make the Great Recession of 2008 and 2009 pale by comparison.
When the dust settles, America — and your life — will be almost unrecognizable. The American dream will have died for millions.
For most, this cataclysm will be a bolt out of the blue.
Years of economic propaganda, dishonest accounting and outright lies told by Washington career bureaucrats have lulled millions of consumers, savers and investors to sleep.
But a select handful of Americans who read the handwriting on the wall will be able to use this crisis to build substantial wealth. If you act immediately on the simple recommendations I am about to share with you, you could be one of them.
My name is Mike Larson, editor of Safe Money Report. I’m the analyst who accurately warned of the housing bust, debt crisis and Great Recession more than one year in advance ...
Now I want to warn you that America is now facing a crisis that will be much worse.
Whether you prepare or not, the price for decades of economic sins must finally be paid.
That debt is coming due NOW.
The federal government has racked up over $9 trillion in budget deficits trying to combat the effects of the last crisis.
And now, the U.S. budget deficit is suddenly ballooning to $1 trillion and beyond.
When you run gigantic budget deficits year in and year out, you have to finance them by issuing debt. Mountains of it.
That’s why America’s debt load has more than TRIPPLED since the start of the millennium, surging from $5.7 trillion to $20.2 trillion today.

And the lion’s share of that growth came in the wake of the Great Recession.
With this huge mountain of debt looming, bond markets here in the United States and around the world have already fallen sharply.
The American housing market is already stumbling.
And now …
A secretive group of bureaucrats has already made a decision that will sabotage everything.
When that happened, the ONE and ONLY thing that lifted the United States out of the Great Recession of 2008-2009 was neutralized. The single force that kept the economy from collapsing was wiped away.
In 2019, that force will no longer be able to keep us from the edge of the abyss. All hell will break loose.
An extreme forecast? Perhaps. But over the past 47 years, our company, Weiss Ratings, has earned a reputation for unhedged warnings that have been proven amazingly accurate.
Hundreds of thousands rely on our famous Weiss Ratings on stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, banks and insurance companies.
They count on us to help them avoid companies and investments that are destined to crash and burn ...
And they also come to us for reliable help in finding the cream-of-the-crop companies that they can invest in with confidence ... and with safety.
In fact, you could have used our ratings to avoid stocks that plunged by as much as 48.5% while owning stocks that surged 102% ... 103% ... 115% ... up to 121%.
And since 2007, if you had followed our stock ratings and our recommended strategy for using them, you could have made a total return of 809%.
You would have beat Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway by four to 1.
You would have outperformed the S&P 500 by a whopping FIVE to 1.
And equally important, you could have avoided the Crash of 2008 when stocks fell by over 50%.

Millions have seen me and our team of financial experts on CNBC, CNN and NBC News or in The New York Times or Wall Street Journal.
The media turn to us because our forecasts are amazingly accurate.
Months in advance, we warned about the S&L crisis of the 1980s, the giant insurance company failures of the 1990s, plus the great “Tech Wreck” of the early 2000s.
Then, just before the 2008 debt crisis, we were the only ones in the world to issue low ratings — and specifically name — nearly every major company that subsequently collapsed.
We gave advance warnings about the failure or near-failure of Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, General Motors, Fannie Mae, Wachovia, Citigroup, Bank of America, and many others.
These kinds of on-target warnings prompted Worth magazine to say, “Weiss’s record is so good compared with that of his competitors ... consumers need look no further.”
And the New York Times to say, “Weiss was the first to see the dangers and say so unambiguously.”
Barron’s wrote, “Weiss is the leader in identifying vulnerable companies.”
And Chris Ruddy, founder of Newsmax and close friend of President Trump wrote, “Weiss’s prediction of the current economic crisis is uncanny.”
More importantly, our forecasts allowed investors the opportunity to avoid big losses and even make money as the crisis unfolded.
If you had heeded those forecasts, you could have multiplied your money with defensive investments that soared as the real estate sector crashed and burned.

Between September 19 and November 21 of 2008, for instance, the ETF that rises when financial stocks fall posted a 144.1% gain.
And during that same period, another investment designed to profit from the real estate decline posted a 354.9% gain — enough to more than quadruple your money.
Plus, as the crisis struck other industries, you could have used similar investments on other sectors to grab gains of 156% ... 176% ... 193% ... 289% ... up to 553%.
Now, another crisis is brewing.
My mission is to make sure YOU are
prepared to protect your wealth and keep it
growing even in the worst of times.
I know. I am well aware this forecast will be controversial even among my closest friends and followers.
But in our time together today, I’ll present powerful evidence of its accuracy.
I’ll explain why this crisis is inevitable, carved in stone. Why it has already begun and why it is about to trigger an economic implosion the likes of which none of us has ever seen.
I will describe exactly what to expect when the disaster strikes — how it’s likely to impact you, your family and your finances.
I will NAME giant companies and stocks that are the most vulnerable.
And I will also name the investments that are most likely to survive, thrive and make investors much richer ... not just “in spite of” the crisis, but BECAUSE of it.
If you take the simple steps I’ll recommend, I can guarantee you’ll be a lot better off than people who haven’t prepared.
Even if I’m wrong about how massive the coming disaster will be, you should still do very well.
And no matter what, you could make more than enough money to get your loved ones through in relative safety and comfort.

The Federal Reserve created the greatest bubble of all time — $4 trillion in printed money. And now the Fed has taken the first steps to PUNCTURE that bubble, with far-reaching consequences for investors.
That’s critical — because there is only one reason why The Great Recession and Debt Crisis did not become a full-fledged depression.
It’s because the U.S. Federal Reserve printed more than four trillion paper dollars, the biggest money printing of all time.
Why did they do that? Because they wanted to shove interest rates all the way down to zero and then KEEP them there for the longest time ever in history!
And today, the entire U.S. economy is hanging on that one thin thread: Extremely low interest rates.
If it weren’t for these record low interest rates, The Great Recession and Debt Crisis of 2008-2009 would have turned into a full-scale Great Depression and Debt Panic.
If it weren’t for record low interest rates, the housing market would never have recovered, trillions in corporate profits would never have materialized and millions more would be unemployed today.
And if it weren’t for low interest rates, we wouldn’t have seen a new bubble in the bond market, the stock market and the entire economy.
The Great Trigger Event
that is bursting this bubble.
What is the historic, life-changing, world-changing event that has lit the fuse on the greatest calamity of our lifetimes and that will vaporize massive amounts of wealth?
It should be very obvious: It’s when interest rates suddenly begin to RISE.
On September 26th of this year, the new Fed Chairman, Jerome Powell, decided to pursue that process with gusto by hiking official interest rates. Not long ago, they were close to 0.2%. Now they’re already TEN times higher.
He effectively signed the death warrant of the American economy … and sentenced millions of Americans to poverty for the rest of their lives.
And unwittingly, he also created a special situation with the power to multiply your money many times over … IF you make the right moves now.
Then, on October 1, 2018, his actions triggered a second landmark event: U.S. bond markets collapsed as bond yields surged to their highest level in 10 years.
But this is just the beginning.
Indeed, history shows us exactly what happens when the Fed pushes interest rates higher: When it began raising rates in 1999, it triggered the Tech Wreck that wiped out a staggering $5 trillion in invested wealth.
When the Fed started raising rates in the mid-2000s, it triggered the most devastating housing bust, debt crisis and recession in modern American history.
Now, the Fed is raising interest rates again. And just as it did in the Great Recession and stock market crash of 2007-2009, this great final, debilitating blow to the U.S. economy will leave millions financially naked, alone and vulnerable.
The timing could not be worse because of three hidden time bombs that virtually no one is talking about.
Hidden Time Bomb #1:
Everywhere you look, banks and investors
are throwing caution to the wind.
Banks are taking huge risks again by lending money for corporate takeovers at the fastest pace since late 2006-2007, right before everything collapsed. America’s corporations are also taking on huge risks again. We know because their debt has suddenly ballooned like crazy.

A decade ago, they had $3.3 trillion in debt. Now, they have $6.1 trillion, a stunning 84% surge!
Measured against the economy, corporate debt is off the charts. These corporations now have 45 cents in debt per $1 of Gross Domestic Product.
That’s a higher percentage of the U.S. economy than at any point in history, including at the peak of the Dot-Com Bubble!
Bond investors are taking huge risks again, piling into junk bonds like never before.
Not only have we seen a surge in corporate debt, we’ve also seen a gigantic surge in the absolute riskiest kind of debt.
In fact, we see more debt going to the highest-risk category of borrowers than at any time in history!

These types of debts, called “Covenant-Lite loans,” are the riskiest of all because they don’t include strict rules on how much debt borrowers can take on or how much cash they need to keep on hand. They get a rating of single B, which is a low category of “junk.”
I call it “garbage debt.” And it has surged roughly EIGHT TIMES OVER since 2010 to an all-time record of $396 billion. It now represents a whopping 75% of all leveraged loans — far and away the highest market share of all time.
This is exactly the same kind of high-risk behavior that preceded nearly every other major economic catastrophe.
It is precisely what we saw just before the Great Depression of the 1930s and The Great Recession of 2008-2009.
Real estate investors are also taking huge risks again.
They’ve piled into single-family homes, condominiums, apartment buildings and industrial parks. And now, housing affordability is the worst since 2008 when the economy was collapsing!
On Wall Street, deal-making frenzy has risen to levels not seen since just before The Great Recession.
Investment bankers and bond salesmen are celebrating, sipping Cristal champagne and partying with customer money earned in highly questionable, high-risk deals. Risky lending for mergers and acquisitions has surged to an all-time record pace of $250 billion, up 23% from a year earlier.
Why? Because they’ve been cashing in on the flood of nearly free money that the U.S. Fed has pumped in. Because of more than nine long years of near-zero interest rates!
And just as in those previous catastrophes, this “devil-may-care” attitude — this appetite for high-risk investments — is setting the stage for an absolute bloodbath on Wall Street.
The trap has been set. The markets are partying like it’s the Roaring ‘20s or the 1999 Tech Bubble. And now the clock is ticking.
The Fed lit the fuse in September. The bond market started collapsing in early October and it could lead to one of the greatest economic implosions EVER.
Hidden Time Bomb #2:
The U.S. economy is incredibly
vulnerable to higher rates right now.
Last time around — before the Great Recession in 2008-2009 — the U.S. economy was booming for nearly everyone. It was far better equipped to absorb a shock.
Not so, today!
Sure, the top 1% are making out like bandits, raking in millions and even billions on Wall Street with the Fed’s newly printed money.
But the other 99% are not so lucky.
Workers are earning LESS not more: Disposable income for all income levels has fallen dramatically over the past 15 years.
The inflation-adjusted net worth for the typical household was $142,416 in 2007. Ten years later, it was only $55,876, a whopping 61% decline.

We are rapidly becoming a welfare nation: A record 46.7 million Americans are receiving food stamps. Another 12.8 million are on welfare. And still another 5.6 million are on unemployment insurance.
The price is horrendous: In the last five years the federal government has transferred $3.7 trillion from taxpayers to welfare recipients.

Back in 1960, only 10% of the money Americans received from regular checks came from welfare payments. Today, it’s 35%! That’s right. The portion of income from welfare benefits has surged from 10% in 1960 to a sky-high 35% today.
Despite Washington’s claims to the contrary, inflation is raging: Cherries are up 9%. Grapes are up 15%. Gasoline is up 26% in a year. Eggs, up 30% in a year. Cereal-makers are now selling five-serving boxes for roughly the same prices they recently charged for nine-serving boxes.
Hidden Time Bomb #3:
Washington is paralyzed, helpless to
stop an economic collapse.
Last time around — when the economy collapsed in 2008 — the U.S. government was mostly united and financially strong.
Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson literally dropped to his knees and begged House Speaker Nancy Pelosi not to “blow it all up” by refusing to bail out the nation’s bankrupt banks. She agreed.
And that memorable scene marked the beginning of the biggest government bailouts of all time. This time, there is no safety net. Congress is so deadlocked, even the simplest new laws are stalled for months or even years at a time.
Worse, there’s no money. The national debt has more than doubled since 2008.
That’s why bond prices have already begun to plunge. That’s why interest rates have already started to surge. And that’s why the economy — which was kept alive on cheap money for nine long years — will ultimately fold like a cheap suit.
Remember: That’s what happened the last two times the Fed raised interest rates. Now, the Fed is doing it again and more than half a century of rate history tells us they won’t stop for a long, long time.
Indeed, no matter what they say, no matter what you may hear, the fact is that the Fed absolutely MUST continue raising interest rates. It simply has no choice.
The Fed must raise rates in an attempt to slow down inflation.
Most importantly, the Fed must raise rates because, if it doesn’t, bond investors around the world will promptly dump their bonds, effectively forcing interest rates to go higher — with or without the Fed. In fact, that’s what they’ve ALREADY doing.
Now, with huge bubbles in stocks, bonds, and real estate as Washington drowns in debt,
If history proves anything, it’s that government price controls always backfire. That backfiring begins when they are forced to let prices rise again. When controls are lifted, prices explode.
Even if it’s just a tiny increase, it sets in motion explosive pent-up forces that drive prices sky high.
That’s precisely what’s about to happen to the most important price of all, the price of money — interest rates.
And it’s happening at the worst time possible: With huge bubbles in stocks, bonds, and real estate … and with Washington drowning in debt.
The only question is: HOW FAR — and
WHEN — will they raise rates next?
The “How” seems clear: It will happen on a Wednesday after a regular meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) The Fed will simply announce that it has raised rates again. And it will go down in history as “Bloody Wednesday.”
When will the Fed act? The smart money is betting that the announcements will come on the following dates: December 19, 2018, March 20, 2019, and June 19, 2019.
On each of these dates, the Fed will make announcements that will unleash hell on earth in the investment markets and then in the economy.
They will crush the U.S. bond market even further ... send interest rates surging higher ... and ultimately drive the U.S. economy into a tailspin.
They will ignite a firestorm of economic catastrophes, one after the other.
Again — I understand that many readers will not heed this warning.
But make no mistake: Higher interest rates are coming. They’re coming as certainly as tomorrow’s sunrise. And the last two times we saw rising interest rates, the economy collapsed.
What’s more, these rate increases will continue for many months. And this sequence of multiple, over-and-over hikes will be like machine-gun fire for the markets.
How high will interest rates go?
Well, just to reach historical norms, interest rates would have to at least triple.
But because they’ve been held so low for so long, they could easily overshoot to the upside, quadrupling or quintupling from today’s levels.
From there, the sky’s the limit.
Mark my words:
The impact of soaring interest rates
will be devastating!
Bond investors are the first victims. Why? Because the value of all their existing low-yielding bonds AUTOMATICALLY plunges when interest rates rise.
Real estate investors are the next victims. Rising rates will hammer the housing and commercial real estate markets, slashing demand and property values across the board.
Remember: Low rates were THE key reason housing and other property prices surged. Take away low mortgage rates ... and that bubble immediately bursts.
Consumers will get hit hard. They will recoil in horror as rates skyrocket on credit cards and auto loans.
Then, millions of indebted companies from coast to coast will sink as their cost of borrowing money explodes higher.
Corporate earnings will be slashed across the board — and with them, stock prices.
Blood will run knee-deep on Wall Street as panicky investors rush for the exits.
Millions of workers will be laid off. Unemployment will explode.
And even the U.S. government itself will be a victim. According to the Congressional Budget Office, rising interest rates and rising debts will add a staggering $1.6 trillion to the national debt.
The government will have no choice but to make major spending cuts.
Federal workers will suddenly find themselves out on the street. Many more who depend on federal welfare and other programs will be threatened with cancellation.
We’ve never seen anything
like this happen before in America.
We always believed we were somehow insulated from these kinds of catastrophes.
Besides: Things still seem so “normal” for most of us today — so routine.
It’s hard to imagine that such terrible things could happen to us, and that it could happen so quickly, in the blink of an eye.
But isn’t that always the case?
Isn’t there always a calm before the storm?
Aren’t people always caught by surprise when historic crises strike?
In my own 20-year career as a forecaster and analyst, I’ve seen denial exact a hefty price over and over again.
In the late 1990s, almost nobody believed us when we warned that the tech bubble was about to burst.
In the mid-2000s, only a handful of people believed me when I repeatedly warned that a great real estate collapse was about to begin.
And of course, very few listened when we warned that Lehman would go belly up and even the almighty Bank of America would come within an inch of oblivion.
So, I’m under no delusions here.
I know that the vast majority of Americans will fail to heed this warning and fail to get ready for this crisis.
I sincerely hope — for your family’s sake — that you are not one of them.
The precautions required to weather the coming tempest are not difficult.
And even if the storm turns out to be less severe than I fear it may be, the worst that’ll happen is that you’ll sleep better at night and potentially make some money in the process.
Because there is some good news ...
First, you still have some time — but not much — to prepare. If you take action right away, you can still use the defensive steps I’m about to recommend to protect yourself and your family.
And second, there are simple things you can buy that will not only protect you but will also give you the opportunity to build substantial wealth.
Here are five steps I recommend you begin taking immediately to protect yourself and your loved ones from the coming storm ...
Step 1. Prepare your defenses!
If you or anyone in your family has a government job, you may suffer furloughs, pay cuts and benefits cuts. Or worse! The same is true for anyone who works for companies that depend heavily on federal government contracts.
State governments also depend heavily on Washington. So as Washington cuts back, your state could be among the first to lose funding.
You’ve probably already seen cuts in your area. But that is just a small sampling of what will happen when the federal government can’t sell its bonds and runs out of money.
Social Security and Medicare could be the next to see the ax. So you’ll need a plan for getting by on your own — without the money you might be expecting from Washington in your retirement years.
It would also be a good idea to make preparations to ensure your family’s physical safety — because police, fire and emergency services will probably be hard to come by even in some of the nicer neighborhoods and communities.
If you live in any large city, have a plan and a place to go if living there becomes uncomfortable for you.
Those are the basics. But there’s so much more I need to tell you to help you through this crisis, I couldn’t begin to cover it all in this report.
That’s why we’ve just put the finishing touches on “America’s Day of Reckoning.”

In this indispensable emergency guide, I show you what to do immediately to protect your savings, investments, real estate and everything you own.
I give you keys to shield your bank account ... safeguard your insurance policies and defend your 401(k) retirement account.
Not to mention a handy tool to insulate your stock portfolio, the value of your home and other real estate assets — no matter how bad things get!
PLUS, you’ll learn how to actually MAKE money with investments that will soar when the next financial disaster strikes.
I’m not just talking about things that go up DESPITE the disaster. I’m talking about specialized investments anyone can buy which are designed to go up BECAUSE of the disaster! Get your free copy of this urgent bulletin today! Click here to learn more.
Step 2. Make sure your bank is the safest one you can find.
Remember, when big banks failed a few years ago, the government’s deficit was a small fraction of what it is today. And the last time big banks failed, the government could still borrow money freely.
That’s not the case today. So you need to know if your bank is among the most vulnerable. And if so, you will need to find a bank that can stand up on its own two feet — without government bailouts.
There is even more I can do to help:
Weiss Ratings is the world’s leading provider of independent ratings on 16,000 banking institutions.
Since 1990, we have issued grades on a total of 1,533 banks that subsequently failed. And, on 90% of those banks, we issued a clear warning to consumers ONE FULL YEAR ahead of time. On nearly all of the rest, we issued a warning or a caution flag at least a few months before the failure.
Now, the problems in the global banking industry have gotten a lot worse. So it’s important that you make sure you are NOT using any of the weakest banks on our list.
I’d recommend that you do most of your business with stronger institutions. I’m talking about banks with a rock-solid balance sheet — banks that have the financial strength to see you through no matter what happens!
And here, too, we can help.
Because Weiss Ratings ALSO has a flawless record of identifying the truly SAFEST banks around the world.
So to help you get your money through this crisis unscathed, I want you to have a complimentary copy of The Weiss Ratings “X” List: The World’s Weakest and Strongest Banks.”

In this guide, I give you the complete list of the weakest banks and credit unions that you should avoid at all costs, and also a full list of the strongest banks well equipped to weather the coming storm.
Step 3. Own mankind’s greatest crisis hedge: GOLD.
Since we first began recommending them in 1999, gold bullion coins and bars have risen by 450%.
An initial investment of $10,000 is worth $55,000 today. And that’s even AFTER taking into account the recent temporary setback in gold.
So we strongly recommend that you hold a reasonable portion of your ready money in physical bullion — mostly smaller denomination bullion coins.
Did you know that you can actually get some free gold simply by selecting the right bullion coins to buy? It’s true! And the fourth report we’ve prepared for you — “The Weiss Guide to Prudent Gold & Silver Investment” shows you how.

Plus, we give you ...
- Our list of recommended bullion dealers in the United States and around the world ...
- How to hold your gold bullion offshore for greater privacy ...
- How to securely store your precious metals ...
- Why keeping part of your holdings in smaller gold and silver coins could prove to be a godsend for you, and much more!
Get our comprehensive gold and silver strategy here, free.
Step #4. Avoid the weakest stocks and invest only in the very strongest.
One of the services my company provides is a powerful free tool you can use to help decide precisely which ones they are. And at a time like this, a powerful offense is your best defense.
Building up substantial profits you can convert into cash reserves is the best way to ensure your family’s safety and comfort.
In your copy of “America’s Weakest and Strongest Stocks & ETFs” — we introduce you to an entirely NEW way to invest: A way to keep your money growing safely no matter how rocky the stock market becomes.

The data shows that, if you had used this strategy, you could have beaten the S&P 500 by FIVE to since 2007, with an overall return of 809%. And that period includes 2008, when stocks crashed!
That’s enough to turn $25,000 into more than $227,000 or $250,000 into nearly $2.3 million!
You don’t need a lot of money. You don’t need to have a lot of experience as an investor. And you don’t even need to use exotic investment vehicles.
Best of all, this was possible even in the worst of times.
And right now, you can download all of these reports instantly and be reading them just a few minutes from now!
I’ll invite you to do just that in a moment.
First, let me tell you why my company is going to such extreme lengths to get this indispensable information to you.
Frankly, we’ve never seen a crisis that even comes close to equaling this one. And I’m deeply concerned that, no matter where you live, you could lose everything.
That’s why we prepared these four emergency survival guides for you. They won’t cost you anything, and you can download them right now.
All I ask is that you also take a risk-free look
at our monthly newsletter, Safe Money Report.
As editor of Safe Money Report, I have three important missions:
My first mission is to help you shield your wealth against major market reversals by identifying major dangers on the horizon:
In the late 1990s, for instance, Safe Money Report was a voice crying in the wilderness, warning that the tech stock bubble was about to burst and urging investors to take their profits and get to safety.
Anyone who heeded that warning could have done much more than just escape with their profits intact. They could have used the crash that followed to pile up profits of 58.7% ... 138.5% ... 171.7% ... up to 240.6% with investment vehicles that soar when stocks sink.
In the mid-2000s, I was the first to warn everyone — investors, homeowners and even the U.S. Congress — that a massive crash in real estate would soon crush the U.S. economy.
Once again, if you had heeded that warning, you wouldn’t have had to lose a penny in the crash that followed. And you could have raked in profits of 82.1% ... 103.4% ... up to 278% in simple investments that rise when stocks fall.
My second mission is to help you avoid losses by identifying stocks that are simply too risky for you.
I use the Weiss Stock Ratings to warn you away from the riskiest stocks. Our ratings are not based on opinion. They are based exclusively on 100% objective DATA.
As Esquire magazine wrote, the Weiss Ratings are the only ones issued with no conflicts of interest. And as the Wall Street Journal reported, they outperformed all other stock ratings.
And my third mission is to introduce you to the small handful of cream-of-the-crop stocks and ETFs that have beat the S&P 500 FIVE to one since 2007, in good times and bad.
I give you the investments most likely leave other investors in the dust while zealously guarding your principal.
With the Weiss Stock Ratings, I make sure you get ONLY the cream of the crop: The best of the best!
Safe Money Report also has the distinction of accurately warning readers of every major economic crisis and market decline for over the past 42 years:
Far in advance, we warned investors about ...
- The S&L crisis of the 80s ...
- The failure of our nation’s major life insurers in the early 90s ...
- The dot-com crash of 1999 ...
- The housing bust and credit collapse of 2007-2008 ...
- And more.
These are the kinds of warnings that could have made you richer even as the average S&P 500 stock tanked between 2007 and 2009.
Even while other investors lost their shirts, those who owned the types of investments I typically like to recommend could have grabbed big profits — including ...
- A 50.7% gain in ProShares UltraShort Consumer Services ...
- A 53.5% gain in ABN Amro Holdings ADR ...
- A 62.2% gain in ProShares UltraShort Technology ...
- A 63.3% gain in SPDR Gold Shares ETF ...
- An 86.9% gain in U.S. Global Investors World Precious Minerals ...
- And more!
This is more than just helping you keep your money safe; it’s also about helping you make money when the going gets tough.
That’s why I’m doing something I’ve NEVER done before ... offering you the absolute lowest price you will ever see, guaranteed ...
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Normally, a full year of Safe Money Report is $228. But for the next 48 hours ONLY — you can join me in Safe Money Report for a full year for $29; just 7 cents per day.
But you don’t even have to make your final decision now.
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Then, in future years, when your membership comes up for renewal, we will notify you first and bill your card for $129. You will lock in the 43% discount, forever. That way, you’ll never pay for anything you don’t want, and you’ll never have to miss a single recommendation.
Everything you need to safely grow your wealth today.
In each issue of Safe Money Report, you get ...
- A comprehensive Monthly Market Overview — Full of detailed, hard-hitting analysis about what’s driving the stock market overall, and dividend-paying investments in particular
- My “Bedrock Income Portfolio” — “Best of the Best” Investments that pass a rigorous, five-step culling process. Not only do they offer some of the best yields available, but they also sport the strongest fundamentals among the more than 13,400 stocks Weiss Ratings tracks!
- My “Dynamic Income Portfolio” — Stocks and other investments that yield 4X or more than the S&P 500. These investments can turbocharge the income your portfolio spins off, without adding wildly excessive risk!
And …

- Flash Alerts when fast-breaking events need your immediate attention. I let you know RIGHT AWAY if any of the recommendations I’ve made need your immediate attention. You can rest easy, knowing I’m watching the model portfolio like a hawk, so you don’t have to, and ...
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All the best,
Mike Larson
Editor, Safe Money Report